How to verify your business account on Freshdi

Guidelines for Suppliers to Verify Their Account on Freshdi. By verifying your account, you'll gain more benefits and enhance your credibility when introducing yourself to global buyers.

  1. Enter your personal email to get 1 quote

  2. Enter your work email to get 1 quote

  3. Upload your Business Registration Certificate to get 1 quote & 5 contact credits

  4. Contact us to verify by Smart Trace online/offline technology

Check out the benefits of verifying your account on Freshdi here: Membership for Supplier

Notice regarding Document Verification

  • Freshdi confirms that the certification documents uploaded by businesses are accurate according to the information provided by the business on the platform.

  • Freshdi cannot guarantee the legality of all documents. Only authorized parties can validate the legality of documents.

  • While Freshdi verifies the provided documents, please use your best judgment before engaging in any business transactions.

  • Freshdi will not be responsible for any losses resulting from fraudulent activities or inaccurate representations by users. Stay vigilant and conduct all transactions with care.

Last updated