Service packages for Suppliers


$399 for 6 months, $798 for 12 months + 2 months of promotion

  • Verification and Monitoring (Business Details Page): Verify business coordinates, paper documents using OCR, and by an appraiser.

  • Supplier verification icon: 1 star

  • Post company information: Company profile, business registration, brand-site (company introduction website)

  • Post product information (SKUs): 10 listings/month

  • Send quotes to RFQs list: 39 quotes/month

  • Receive contact requests from buyers: Unlimited

  • Receive notifications for newly created RFQs based on registered categories: Periodically

  • Priority promotion via email marketing: Periodically


$899 for 6 months, $1789 for 12 months + 2 months of promotion

  • Verify business documents (business details page): Verify business coordinates, paper documents using OCR, and by an appraiser.

  • Use Smart Trace to update production progress and verify origins (Verification of certifications, declarations, quality, origins, and product journey 24/7 using technology: cameras, automated monitoring sensors)

  • 24/7 camera surveillance

  • Supplier verification icon: 2 stars

  • Post company information: Company profile, business registration, brand-site (company introduction website)

  • Post product information (SKUs): 50 listings/month

  • Send quotes to RFQs list: 99 quotes/month

  • Receive contact requests from buyers: Unlimited

  • Receive notifications for newly created RFQs based on registered categories: Priority

  • Priority promotion via email marketing: Priority


$1599 for 6 months, $3198 for 12 months + 2 months of promotion

  • Verify business documents (business details page): Verify business coordinates, paper documents using OCR, and by an appraiser.

  • Use Smart Trace to update production progress and verify origins (Verification of certifications, declarations, quality, origins, and product journey 24/7 using technology: cameras, automated monitoring sensors)

  • 24/7 camera surveillance

  • Supplier verification icon: 3 stars

  • Post company information: Company profile, business registration, brand-site (company introduction website)

  • Post product information (SKUs): Unlimited

  • Send quotes to RFQs list: 199 quotes/month

  • Receive contact requests from buyers: Unlimited

  • Receive notifications for newly created RFQs based on registered categories: Continuously

  • Priority promotion via email marketing: Continuously

Last updated